Panel1: The role of thermal sciences on carbon neutrality
Chair (Moderator)
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Prof. ZHAO Chang-Ying Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China |

Gang Chen is the Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He served as the Department Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT from 2013 to 2018. He obtained his PhD degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department at UC Berkeley. He was a faculty member at Duke University and UCLA, before joining MIT in 2001. He received an NSF Young Investigator Award, an R&D 100 award, an ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award, an ASME Frank Kreith Award in Energy, a Nukiyama Memorial Award by the Japan Heat Transfer Society, a World Technology Network Award in Energy, an Eringen medal from the Society of Engineering Science, and the Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellences in Mentoring and Advising from MIT. He is a fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Physical Society, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Guggenheim Foundation. He serves on the board of the Asian American Scholar Forum (aasforum.org). He is an academician of Academy Sinica, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and a member of US National Academy of Science.

Prof. Changying Zhao is the Chair Professor, the Director of the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, and the Dean of China-UK Low Carbon College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prof. Zhao is the Principal Investigator for quite a few major research projects sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Ministry of Science and Technology of China. Prof. Zhao’s research interests mainly cover micro/nanoscale thermal radiation and metamaterial energy devices, advanced thermal energy storage and hydrogen storage, and heat transfer in porous media. He has published over 300 papers in peer-reviewed high quality journals like Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, IJHMT, Annual Review of Heat Transfer, Energy and Environmental Science, Chemical Engineering Journal, etc., which are cited around 20000 times in total. Prof. Zhao has also been recognized as one of the Most Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier every year since 2014. He was awarded the William Begell Medal in 2023 for Excellence in Thermal Science and Engineering, the Shanghai Natural Science Award (First Class) by Shanghai Municipal Government in 2020, and the Best Paper Award of the ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference for twice, in 2013 and 2019, respectively. Prof. Zhao serves as a member of the Scientific Council of International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), a Founding Fellow and Executive Board Member of Asian Union of Thermal Science and Engineering (AUTSE), Vice-Director of the Heat and Mass Transfer Society of China, as well as a Board Member of the Nukiyama Memorial Award. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Carbon Neutrality, Associate Editor of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, as well as Editorial Board Members of several other international journals.

Naoki Shikazono received his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1994. The topic of his thesis is “turbulence modeling of scalar flux based on correlation coefficient”. From the accomplishment of his thesis, he received Young engineer’s Award from the Heat Transfer Society of Japan. After joining Hitachi, Ltd. in 1994, he developed heat exchangers and fan systems for air conditioners. By the development of novel micro-fin tube, he received Award for Technical Achievements from the Heat Transfer Society of Japan in 1999. He had engaged in 11 product developments in Hitachi, and has more than 70 patent applications in the field of air conditioning technology. From 2002, he joined the University of Tokyo as an associate professor, and started researches on solid oxide fuel cells and heat pump cycles. Since 2010, he is a full professor at the Institute of Industrial Science. From his contributions to the research fields in solid oxide fuel cells and heat transfer, he was awarded JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper in 2010, Scientific Contribution Award of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan in 2011 and Thermal Engineering Achievement Award from JSME in 2018, JSRAE Academic Award in 2022, etc. He is also serving as board members in various academic societies such as SOFC Society of Japan, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (JSRAE), Heat Transfer Society of Japan (HTSJ), etc.

Christos Markides is Professor of Clean Energy Technologies, Head of the Clean Energy Processes Laboratory, and leads the Experimental Multiphase Flow Laboratory, which is the largest experimental space of its kind at Imperial College London. He is also, amongst other, Editor-in-Chief of journal Applied Thermal Engineering, and a founding Director and CEO of Imperial spin-out company www.solar-flow.co.uk. He specialises in applied thermodynamics, fluid flow and heat/mass transfer processes in high-performance devices, technologies and systems for thermal-energy recovery, utilization, conversion or storage. He has published >350 journal and >400 conference articles on these topics. He has won multiple awards, including IMechE’s ‘Donald J. Groen’ outstanding paper prize in 2016, IChemE’s ‘Global Award for Best Research Project' in 2018, and received Imperial College’s President Awards for Research Excellence in 2017.
Panel2: Thermal sciences and AI
Chair (Moderator)
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Prof. CAO Bingyang Tsinghua University, China |

Bingyang Cao is full professor and dean in the School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. He is fellow of Asian Union of Thermal Science and Engineering, International Association of Advanced Materials, and Engineered Science Society. He currently serves as Delegate of the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences, Secretary General of the Asian Union of Thermal Science and Engineering, vice-chair of the Thermally Conductive Composite Committee of the Composite Society of China, etc. He was awarded MOE New Century Talented Scientists Program (2011), Excellent Youth Funding of NSFC (2013), Wu Zhonghua Outstanding Young Scholar Award from CETS (2014), Outstanding Young Scientists of NSFC (2018), First Prize of Natural Science of MOE (2019), IAAA Medal of International Association of Advanced Materials (2020), Elsevier Highly Cited Researchers (2021-2023). His main research areas include micro-/nanoscale heat transport, thermally functional materials and advanced thermal management technologies. He has published a monograph: Non-Fourier heat conduction in nanostructures, and more than 200 SCI-indexed journal papers. He is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of ES Energy & Environment, Associate Editor of International Journal of Thermal Sciences, and editorial member of over 10 international journals.

Qun Chen is a professor at Department of Engineering Mechanics and Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, and the vice president of North China University of Technology. He received honors such as the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the First Prize of Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Progress Award and other 4 Science and Technology Progress Awards from Industry Association and awarded the China Highly Cited Scholar from ELSEVIER for 10 consecutive years. In recent years, he has led several national level scientific research projects such as the National Key R&D Program and the 863 Project from MOST, the Outstanding Young Scientist Project, Key Project and Excellent Youth Scientist Project from NSFC. He is an editorial board member of journals such as Journal of Energy Engineering and Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. His research directions are the coordinated analysis and optimization of multiple energy flows in integrated energy systems, Large-scale integration of renewable energy into power systems, energy optimization aircraft, and complex transport process optimization theory and technology.

Min Soo KIM received the B.S. (1985), M.S. (1987), and Ph.D. (1991) degrees in mechanical engineering at Seoul National University. He is a Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University since 1994. His major is thermal engineering including refrigeration and air conditioning. He spent three years from 1992 to 1994 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in U.S. as a guest researcher. He has more than 260 journal papers and more than 490 conference papers together with about 50 patents in the field of thermal engineering and refrigeration. He is a member of ASME, ASHRAE, IIR, KSME, and SAREK.
In 2010, he served as Policy Advisor to Minister of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and during 2011-2013, he was a member of Presidential Advisory Council on Education, Science & Technology. He was delegate of Korea to the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR), and serves now as president of the General Conference of IIR.
He got the Outstanding Academic Award from the Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea (SAREK) (2006), Outstanding Academic Award from Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) (2013). He was designated as 70 Excellent PhDs of College of Engineering at Seoul National University (2016). He received Minister Award from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (2016), Presidential Citation by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (2017), and the award certificate form the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (2022). Recently, he received Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award from the International Energy Agency (2023).

Junichiro Shiomi is Professor in Institute of Engineering Innovation and Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo (UTokyo). He received B.E. (1999) from Tohoku University, and Ph. D. (2004) from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. Leading the Thermal Energy Engineering Lab, he has been pursuing research to advance thermal management, waste heat recovery, and energy harvesting technologies based on nano-to-macro innovation in materials, structures, and systems.
Prof. Shiomi has been leading several projects including Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) (JSPS), Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (JST-CREST), Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology(JST-PRESTO), and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) projects. He is Fellow of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and Member of Science Council of Japan. He serves as an editor of Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering.
He is a recipient of the Zeldovich Medal from the Committee on Space Research, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Educational, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (the Young Scientists’ Prize and the Science and Technology Prize), the Academic award of Heat Transfer Society of Japan, the Academic Award of Thermoelectric Society of Japan, the JSPS Award, and the Nukiyama Memorial Award.

Kui Jiao received his PhD degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo in 2011. He is currently a chair professor in the State Key Laboratory of Engines, and executive deputy director of the National Industry-Education Platform for Energy Storage at Tianjin University. His research interests include energy utilization and engineering thermophysics. He has published four books and over 200 papers in highly reputable international journals, including Nature. He has led more than 40 national and industrial projects including National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, National Key Research and Development Program of China, Royal Society Newton Senior Scholars Fund, and provided modeling and design services in the development of fuel cell, electrolyzer and battery for many leading enterprises. He serves as the founding editor of Energy and AI, associate editor of International Journal of Green Energy, speciality chief editor of Frontiers in Energy Research, editorial board members of Applied Energy, IEEE TTE and other reputational journals. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET).